Sunday 1 January 2017

Another heart wrenching Australian Story. How did we come to such a place where such filth controls our parliament. Woe betide any here who comes to the attention of this heartless rubbish, especially if your a Child (under 25). I refuse to vote ($100 fine plus $50 fee from those thieving SPER scum, every time I fail to) while this mob, including Labour behave like little tin gods with no idea, no vision, and no Heart. By the way, is it not time we reclaimed the words Labour and Liberal from those who are neither labour or liberal?

This rant is not about the Electorate, but a disillusion with Party Politics, where the Party comes before the electorate, and well before the people. Over time, like all, organisations, it comes to put the organisation before the people it was originally set up to help. Dss/Centrelink is a classic example. Hoping for a "better" year in 2017 after a "bad" 2017? I wish all that but I'd recommend "Proceeding with bridle in hand" for we may well have to "run for it" Only day @ of the year and I'm already driven to get up on my Soap Box. I'll get down now :-) Down here on my level things are rolling on quite sweetly. If only I didn't carry this weird convoluted, cyclical conversation in my head around all the time, I could really sink back blissfully into Lotus Land :-( :-)

By the way Welcome to this my first Blog :

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